Monday, January 14, 2008


Another big day

Today was another big day in the life of Baby Ray. I got to sleep in this morning, then Mommy and Daddy and I headed out in the car -- another road trip! We went to see Dr. D., and he checked me out from head to toe. He says I'm great. He also had the results of the blood tests they did in the hospital when I was born, and he said those were great too. He also said my height and weight are in the 95th percentile, whatever the heck that means.

Dr. D. says Mommy and Daddy are very blessed. He really seemed to like me.

Next we went to visit with my friend Holly at her work. There were lots of kids there, but they were all bigger than me. The grown-ups wouldn't let them near me because apparently those kids have something called "germs," whatever those are. The grown-ups that work there came to see me, though.

From there we went back to Grandpa Driever's office, and I got another chiropractic adjustment. He has nice lady named Donna who works there and she held me for a little while and helped Dad change my diaper.

And after all that we still didn't have to go back home! We went back to my kingdom :-) so Mommy could return some things we bought on our last visit. Lots of people there were asking about me -- how old I was and stuff like that. Mommy even saw a lady there from her teaching job.

Finally we stopped at the grocery store but I was too tired to go inside. Mommy and I only had to wait a few minutes, then we headed home. I was very hungry and tired: I ate and ate and ate and didn't get to sleep until about 8:00 PM. I slept until Dad put his computer away and we all went to bed.

Another big day in the life, baby!

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