Monday, January 21, 2008


Baby it's COLD outside

Yesterday was mostly a quiet day. It was COLD outside -- 8 degrees I think. I went with Mommy and Daddy to Olive Garden for lunch with Grandpa and Grandma Graybill. I saw my friend Bea there, but I don't eat Italian food so I pretty much slept through the whole thing. The rest of the day I stayed inside where it's warm, alternating between my two favorite things (sleeping and eating).

Today Mommy and I went to see Grandpa Driever at his office while Dad was at work. It was still cold, but I enjoyed our first trip out together, just the two of us. I hung out with my friend Donna, and I got to visit with Grandpa for a little while.

After we got back home we had more visitors! Grandpa and Grandma Bare came to see Mommy and me while Dad was at work, and they brought my friend Charlene. She held me for awhile (which was great!), I took a little nap on Grandpa's lap and Grandma gave me a bottle. Then Mommy and Grandma gave me a bath. Actually they used the sprayer, so it was more like a shower (which I prefer).

Then I took a nap, had some dinner, slept awhile and had a snack. My goofy dad took my picture with Mr. Moose again, and now I'm off to bed. I'm going to try to sleep a looong time -- Mom and Dad look tired!

This is your Auntie Tammy and I have been catching up on what's new in Baby Ray world. WOW you really get around kid! Just thought I would say I love you and you are really quite a handsome young lad. You sure do look like your Dad but don't tell him I said that, it might go to his head. God Bless you Baby Ray. You are a beautiful treasure. We sure are lucky to have you. See you soon. Sleep tight! XOXOXOXOXOX to all.
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