Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Back at home

Well I'm back at home tonight. Actually we got back late last night. OK technically it was VERY early this morning, but who's counting. I know you've been on the edge of your seat wondering what I've been doing -- let me catch you up:

On Sunday morning I hung out with my cousins Erin, Leah and Donna. Dad and cousin Steve left early to go to work, and Mommy got to catch up on a few hours of sleep. It was nice to visit with the girls. They are so sweet and they were very kind to me.

In the afternoon Mommy and I drove to the building where Dad was working, and I got to meet my new friends Sharon, Patti and Jill. We hung out there for quite awhile. I had a bottle and a nap. Before we left Mommy took my picture with Patti, Jill and cousin Steve.

Sunday evening the grown-ups had buffalo wings. They were too hot for me, so I had a bottle. We visited with our cousins for awhile, and then Mommy and Daddy wanted to go to bed. But I didn't! I sat up with Mommy for awhile, then I slept a few minutes, then I sat up with Dad, then I slept a few minutes, and then I sat up with Mommy again.

On Monday Mommy and I slept in. (For some reason, Mommy was tired after sitting up with me most of the night.) We hung out and watched the big screen TV until cousin Donna got home from school. (She is a teacher! Yea for teachers!) We had a very nice visit with cousin Donna, and she held me and rocked me -- it was great! She knows all about babies -- she used to have two of them.

Monday evening we went to Australia for steaks with Dad and cousin Steve. I don't eat steak so I had a bottle. They kept calling me Joey for some reason. The waitress asked Mommy if I was a girl! (I could tell she wasn't too bright -- she put her earring in the side of her nose!) Then we had the long drive home (which meant that I had a nice long nap!)

When we got home, my best friend Erin was here! She watched my dogs while we were all out of town, and when we got home she stayed and held me for a whole hour, or maybe more! It was GREAT! We all love Erin.

Today I had a quiet day with Mommy. I was awake most of the afternoon, and I got to watch Judge Judy. It was a very relaxing day, and I enjoyed spending so much time with Mommy. She's pretty great too.

Hey baby Ray
It's us again from NC! Your great aunt Judy said tell your daddy she is computer illiterate!! She wants pics by US mail!
Your cousin Jalina
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