Thursday, January 24, 2008


Big day. Big big big.

Big day today. I slept a little this morning and then Mommy and I were off to meet Dad and my friends Jen and Julie for lunch. They had Italian; I had a little nap and a bottle. Then we went back to Dad's office and my friend Lori was there, and she held me for a little bit when she got off the phone. It was great. She says I can come there to visit anytime.

Mommy and I walked down the hall to see my friend Mary again. (Mommy did the actual walking -- I just hung on her arm like a sack of potatoes.) That's where Jen and Julie work, too, and a nice lady named Buffy. (I heard she's a vampire slayer, whatever that means.) Dad says they are doing a lot of good in this world. All I know is that they are all very nice, and they held me and we just had a great visit. Good stuff.

Then it was off to Grandpa Driever's office for a short visit, and back home again. Mommy was very busy when we got home, putting clothes into suitcases and such. All that excitement wore me out so I took a little nap.

This evening Dad woke me up and put me in my carseat. Road trip! I didn't know it, but we were heading out on the biggest road trip EVER! We drove and drove and drove and I slept and slept and slept -- it was GREAT!!!

Now we're in someplace called "Findlay" and I got to meet cousin Steve. He is a nice man, and he sure does like babies. He took me all around his big ole house and showed me all kinds of stuff. I felt like some kind of celebrity or something.

After all that sleeping in the car I was wide awake, but now I'm finally getting sleepy. I don't know if I'll get to write in my blog tomorrow or not. I never know what tomorrow holds, but in this case it's really hard to say.

I am a stranger in a strange land.

It's very exciting!

Hey Baby Ray!
This is your cousin Jalina and your Great Aunt Judy. You are a good looking Driever with the little round face. We hope to meet you in person before you walk. We love you!!
I can't wait to meet you, too! Dad says you are very nice. I think we might be coming to your state this summer. It's up to my parents, though, because me feet don't reach the pedals yet....
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