Friday, January 25, 2008


Day Two on the road

Mommy and I had a relaxing day today. We slept in a little. I had a nice meal. I slept some more. Life is good.

This afternoon I got to meet some more of my cousins. I met Erin and Leah, and their mommy, Donna. According to Wikipedia, Erin and Leah are technically my Second Cousins. (I think Donna is "once removed" but to be honest I lost interest before it explained the whole thing.) To me they are just "cousins," and I'm finding out that cousins are good to have! All three of them held me, and they are just so nice. I slept in their arms. It was great!

Tonight Mommy and Daddy left for a little while to go to Wal-Mart, and I stayed with my cousins. It was the first time we've been apart! It was only a few minutes, though. It really wasn't a big deal.

Grandma Graybill is astonished that you are already big enough to let Mommy and Daddy go out and leave you with baby-sitters! I am so proud of you for being such a big boy!!! It was actually probably harder on Mommy and Daddy to leave you than for you to subject yourself to the loving care of your cousins. Paps and I are glad you are enjoying your stay in the cold North. Love, Grandma
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