Friday, January 18, 2008


Everyone needs to be good at something

I have found my calling: It is sleeping.

Last night I slept for six hours straight -- another new record! By the time I finished my midnight snack it was just about, well, midnight. Then I was off to the land of nod.... Around 6 AM I was just starting to wake up, and Mommy picked me and took me out to the living room for some breakfast.

Then it was back to bed of course, for a few more hours of Z's. Oh what a good life I have!

The afternoon was pretty uneventful. Lunch, more sleeping, a snack, more sleeping -- pretty much your typical day in the life of a newborn. In the evening my friend Jimmi came to see me. She held me in her arms while I slept -- it was great!

Shortly after that, Grandma Graybill and my cousin Hayley came to visit me too! They had dinner with Dad and then Grandma held me for awhile too. Dad had to leave to go "run sound," whatever the heck that means, and after a little while Jimmi had to leave too. But Grandma and Hayley stayed until bedtime -- how great is that???

When I grow up I want to be big like Hayley. Grandma says Hayley is 6 years old. I can't wait until I'm a big kid like her.

Now Mommy and I are off to bed, and Dad still isn't home. Mommy says he's still out with those band people. Mommy says I should stay away from musicians. I'm pretty sure she is just kidding, though.

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