Saturday, January 12, 2008


Grandparents are GREAT

Today I met my great-grandparents! Wow! Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Perry came all the way from West Virginia, just to meet me! Great-Grandma Perry is Grandma Bare's mom, and Grandma Bare is Mommy's mom, and Mommy is my mom, and I'm me, so we had four generations all here in my living room.

Now Dad says Great-Grandpa is not technically my Great-Grandpa, but he is married to Great-Grandma and he is such a good and kind man and he takes such good care of Great-Grandma and we all just love him so much that it doesn't really matter about all those genes and stuff. That's fine by me -- he is very nice and I don't understand what denim pants have to do with it anyway.

My Great-Grandma loves to laugh, and she is very funny. Grandpa Bare kept teasing her, but she just told him to "hush" and she didn't pay any attention to him. Sometimes she has trouble remembering things (Grandpa said she is 86 years old!) but she sure loves me and Mommy and Daddy. My Great-Grandpa has kind eyes, and he is gentle and soft-spoken. As soon as I met him I just knew he was OK. He doesn't say too much but he doesn't need to -- Great-Grandma talks enough for both of them.

They didn't stay too long, which was just as well because I had a very full schedule today. I had lots of sleeping to do, along with some napping and several meals.

Then this evening Mommy gave me my first bath at home, and only my second bath ever. (One of the nurses gave me a bath the night I was born, but she wasn't as good at it as Mommy. But I didn't like either of them washing my hair.) It wasn't the most fun thing in the world, but it wasn't so bad when Mommy did it. After she dried me off I was pretty tired so I took a nap. Oh yeah....

Well I have finished off another meal and it's time for me to go back to sleep now. I'll be waking up Mommy in a few hours -- maybe I'll write some more then.

These grandparents LOVE little Ray!
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