Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Heading home

Today was a much better day -- Mommy and I finally got to leave the hospital and come home! Don't get me wrong: Everyone at Bethesda North has been great, especially the nurses. But Mommy was ready to get out of there, and personally I am tired of the smell of antiseptic. I feel like I've been breathing it all of my life!

So this morning the doctor checked me again and I'm still great. He wants me to go see Dr. D. in three to five days, which seems awfully soon but I guess they know what they're doing. They gave Mommy a quick checkup this morning and said she's great. (I already knew that.)

After all the forms were filled out they finally let Dad drive us home. He made me ride backwards, so I could only see where we had already been, not where we were going. Bummer. Oh well, I made good use of my time by taking a nice nap. Good stuff.

I like our house, especially my room. My room is great! It's blue and tan and has cool Disney stuff on the walls. Dad says Uncle Richy painted it for me and Mommy decorated it. They are awesome!!!

Today I also got to meet two of my cousins, Andrea and Emily. Andrea is bigger than me but not too much bigger, and man she has lots of energy! Emily is big, almost like a grown up. She came to our house and held me on her lap -- good stuff! Uncle Wayne was here too and he seems a little goofy.

Well it's time for my next meal, then a nice little nap.

Oh, I almost forgot! I fixed my blog today so you can leave comments. Dad says he has to approve them first because everything has to stay "G" rated, so if you leave me a note it might take a day or so to show up. So leave me a comment!

Hey Little Ray,

I must say you are one cute looking boy. Please ask your Daddy to take some picutres of you and your Mommy. We would all love to see the two of you together. You can post pictures of you with your Mommy and Daddy too if you want, but we mostly want to see you with your Mommy. ":-) Welcome to this crazy world. I look forward to meeting you soon.
I am sure glad you are finally here Ray because I need somebody around who is smaller than I am! I knew I would love you, just because you are my cousin, but I did not know how much.
Love, Andrea

PS I can give you a bottle anytime you need one. I know how, because I have a lot of baby dolls! Tell your mom to just let me know when she needs me!
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