Thursday, January 10, 2008


Here's to good health

I didn't feel well last night. I was up with Dad for a couple of hours in the middle of the night, then it was Mommy's turn. It was about 7:00 AM before I got back to sleep.

Around 10:30 AM the nurse came to our house to check Mommy and me. She said we're both just great. I lost a little weight in the hospital, and today the nurse said I've gained some of it back. Even though the hospital wasn't worried (they said newborns like me can lose up to 10% of our weight during the first few days and that's normal), Mommy was still a little bit concerned. She was thrilled to hear I've gained two ounces back. (I wanted to tell her it was just the hospital food, but I can't talk yet.)

After the nurse left I did what I do best and went back to sleep. This afternoon Mommy tried to get me to eat something but I didn't feel like eating. Grandma was here for a little while, but I didn't want a bottle from her either.

This evening we went to Grandpa's office and I got my first chiropractic adjustment. Grandpa checked my spine from top to bottom, and only found two vertebrae that were out of place. He fixed me right up, and then I came home and had a nice meal and nice long nap. Now I feel like a new baby!

This evening I got to meet Dad's friends Lori and Don. Lori is very nice -- I'm not sure what to think about Don. They brought books from one of Dad's friends and a huge bouquet of flowers from one of Dad's customers. I am amazed at how kind these grown-ups are, and they haven't even met me! Mommy absolutely loved the books -- she said one of them was her all-time favorite. Dad really liked them too. And they were both just amazed by the flowers.

Tonight I had a snack and now it's bedtime. Life is so exciting -- I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

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