Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I am flat WORN OUT

OK, if you've been keeping up, you know that yesterday was big big big. Lots of travel, multiple appearances -- it's like being a rock star. Last night I slept for almost five hours straight (a new record!). Then after breakfast, I went back to bed and slept a few more hours.

Around Noon I headed out with Mommy and Daddy to Daddy's favorite restaurant, Skyline Chili. I didn't have any chili (it's not on my diet) but I met a nice lady there named Jill. Mommy says Jill gave me some clothes before I was even born (but I'm still too small to fit into them).

Next stop was Dad's office. I saw my friend Lori again, and I got to meet the rest of Dad's coworkers. We went to see Dad's friends down the hall and a nice lady named Mary rocked me in her arms (it was great!). But Mary was the only one there -- the other ladies were in North Carolina. Dad says it was a very nice thing that the other ladies went all that way for the day just to be with their friends. He says they are very special people. I can't wait to meet them all.

Then we went to see one of Dad's customers. I got a brief peek at a nice lady named Claire and a bunch of her coworkers. But it was only a peek -- I just couldn't hold my eyes open! Everyone there was super nice and I wanted to meet them all, but I was just too tired.

From there I must have slept the whole way home, because the next thing I knew it was dark outside and I was waking up at home in my crib. I had some dinner and went back to sleep and I didn't wake up until bedtime. I had a snack, Dad took my picture with Mr. Moose and I headed off to bed.

After I laid down, Daddy and I said a prayer for Julie and Karen in North Carolina and for their mommy in Heaven. We prayed that they would find some comfort in memories of the good times, and we prayed that neither of us would know exactly how Julie and Karen feel for a very, very long time.

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