Sunday, January 13, 2008


I'm the king

I didn't sleep too well last night. I kept having this dream that I stepped in peanut butter and the dogs were licking my feet. Plus I was hungry and sleepy at the same time, and I couldn't decide whether to eat or sleep. Mommy and I were up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night trying to work that out.

At lunch time I went to Olive Garden with Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa Graybill. I was hungry and didn't feel well, and I was crying until Grandpa Graybill held me for the first time. He's very nice, and he said I'm the first baby he's ever held! (And he's old!)

Our waitress Bea was very nice, too. Mommy and Grandma had the lasagna special. I had a bottle.

After lunch we went to the most amazing place called "Target." It was big and bright and full of people and colorful stuff. I sat in a shopping cart and Mommy pushed me all around like I was the king of the store. I looked at everything. I didn't buy anything though because I still don't have a credit card.

Then we came home and once again I couldn't decide whether to eat or sleep. I ate a little, then had a nice long nap, then ate some more and then had another nice long nap.

It's good to be the king (of Target).

Welcome Your Majesty, King Ray!

I am pleased to virtually meet you! I love hearing all about your first days on the new job (of growing and stuff). You sure seem to have everything under control, with your royal subjects catering to your every need. Before long, you'll be discovering the amazing wonders of fingers and toes -- look out Queen Mum and HRH King Da; there'll be no stopping him after that!

I would be pleased and honored to send you my respects with gifts and tokens of welcome to our land. I do need, however, the details for getting such packages through the kingdom and to the gates of your castle.

Your most appreciative servant,
Lady Angela Princess of Peterson
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