Friday, January 11, 2008


My first big trip

This morning I slept til 10:00 AM, and then had a quiet day. Today was the first day of my entire life that I didn't have any visitors! That's OK, though. It gave me a chance to catch up on my rest.

This evening I got all dressed up and went with Mommy to her office. I met a nice lady named Barb there, and then Dad and his friend Scott had to sign some papers on a house they are selling. Mommy explained all the paperwork to the new owners, and showed everyone where to sign. She was great, but I have to say it was all a little boring for a kid. I slept through the whole thing.

Then we stopped at the house and got Mommy's big sign out of the yard, and then headed back home. It was fun to go on a family outing but I sure was glad to get home and get out of all those clothes!

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