Saturday, January 26, 2008


My Reverse World Tour -- Day 3

Usually big stars go on a world tour: They travel to cities all over the place so their fans can see them. This weekend I am doing it the other way around: I stay in one place, and people come from cities all over the world to see me. :-)

I am still in Findlay, and today I met more of my cousins: Laren and Bryan came from Toledo to see me, Lynsey Linzee came from Bowling Green, Cindy and Rick came from Columbus and Josh came from... well, he came from Findlay so it really wasn't a big trip. And Erin and Leah and Donna were here too, and Mommy of course. It was so great to be surrounded by family. They are all just the nicest people in the world, and there was lots of laughing. There was also lots of arguing over who got to hold me! It was great!

Everyone got a turn holding me. It was so good to be with family. I was so relaxed that I slept like a... well, I slept great. Those mean old grown ups actually tried to wake me up, but I didn't pay any attention to them. Then this evening Dad and cousin Steve came home from work, and Dad woke me up a little bit. But lately I have preferred to be awake in the middle of the night and asleep during the day. Mommy and Daddy don't seem too crazy about my schedule....

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