Saturday, January 19, 2008


A quiet day

Today was a quiet day. Mommy gave me a snack about 4:00 AM, and then I slept until 9:00 AM. I had some breakfast and sat up with Mommy until 11:30 or so. Then we went back to bed, but I was restless. Dad and I went out to the living room around 12:30, and I slept on the couch until 2:00 PM. I like sleeping on the couch. (I think I get that from Dad.) My goal is to get big enough to use the footrest someday, and sleep in the recliner like Dad does.

I had some lunch, and then I got dressed (with Mommy's help) and we all went to Red Lobster. I don't like seafood so I just slept while Mommy and Daddy ate. My friends Christy and Guy met us there and visited for a few minutes. I think they found something Dad lost and brought it back to him. (He is always losing stuff. He's old and forgetful.)

We came back home but I didn't feel like sleeping. I had some dinner, and after that I wasn't hungry but I didn't want to sleep either. I fussed and cried, and Mommy tried feeding me, rocking me... she even tried just letting me cry for a few minutes, but nothing made me feel better. We watched some TV together. After awhile I had a snack and fell back asleep.

Now I'm tired again. I'm going to bed.

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