Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Sleep, eat, sleep. Repeat as necessary.

Yesterday I didn't do much. I slept in Mommy's bed. I ate a little. I slept on the couch with Mommy. I ate some more. I slept some more. It was a very good day.

But today we were on the go. Around 1:00 PM Mommy and I headed out to the church to pickup Shannon and aunt Gail. We all went to LaRosa's for lunch, but I don't eat Italian so I just slept during the meal.

Next we went back to Target (I LOVE that place!) and I got to ride in the cart and go all over the store. It was great. I took a little nap while we were there.

Then it was back to the church, where my friends Tim and Rick and Connie and Arlen all held me and carried me around. They are all so nice, I really like them (although Rick seems a little goofy). I had a great time. Mommy gave me a snack while we were there, and I had a nap.

This evening when we got home I didn't really want to sleep. I guess I was still a little wound up from this afternoon. After Dad got home from work I had another snack, and then he carried me around the house until I fell asleep in his arms. I slept until just a little bit ago.

And now that you're up to date, I'm going to bed. Although I may have a snack first....

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