Thursday, January 17, 2008


Sleepin' in

Today was another great day. I woke up about 8 AM and Dad gave me my breakfast. Then I went back to bed until Noon. Now that is my kind of morning schedule!

Next I went with Mommy and Daddy to have lunch with Grandma Graybill. I finally got to meet Longhorn Lisa -- she is super nice and she held me and fussed over me like I was just the cutest thing since... well, since her babies I guess. It was great. Plus any time with Grandma is always a good thing (any kid could tell you that!).

Next we were off to River Hills Bank to meet all the nice ladies there. They are my favorite community bank, and everyone there was just great. I even got to meet the president of the bank! It turns out the he likes kids too! We didn't stay very long because Dad said the whole Operations Department was just watching my every move, instead of, um, operating, I guess.

Then we went back to Mommy's office. This time her boss was there, and Kim and Team Strunk and lots of other realtors. They held me and fussed over me, and Kim gave me a bottle. It was all very cool.

Our last stop was Grandma Graybill's house. Grandpa got a new TV, and Dad helped him connect all the wires in the back. I got to hang out in the blue room with Mommy and Grandma.

When we got home I had dinner, then napped a little, then had a snack before heading off to bed. What a great day.

Hi Ray. I sure do enjoy reading your blog everyday. I think you may have stumbled onto a brilliant idea, too: corporate sponsorship!! Tell your daddy he should charge River Hills Bank for that commercial. You can start your college fund! :-)
I hope I get to see you this weekend!
Love, Aunt Nicole
PS - Are you ready to spend the night at my house yet??? We can't wait to have you!!
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