Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Sleepy time

I am worn out today! I don't know what my deal is, but I have just slept and slept and slept all freakin' day! Now don't get me wrong, sleeping is my favorite thing in the whole world, but today was pretty unreal.

I woke up this morning at 10:00 AM when Dad's cousin Steve called. OK, technically when I got up at 2:00 AM and again at 6:00 AM it was this morning, but the sun wasn't up yet and as far as I'm concerned it was still last night. So I woke up at 10:00, had a snack and went back to sleep.

Grandma and Paps came to visit around Noon and brought lunch for Dad and Mommy. (I wanted to get Mommy some lunch, but I am too small to drive to Longhorn and pick it up, and I don't have a credit card yet anyway. So thanks Grandma!) I had another snack then slept on Grandma's lap most of the afternoon -- good stuff!!!

Then Aunt Nicole came to visit after school. (She's a teacher! Hooray for teachers!) Today she brought my cousins, Brooklyn and Hayley. They are so sweet, just like angels from Heaven. Mommy says I got my picture taken with them, but I don't really remember it -- I slept through the whole thing. I did wake up for a little visit with Aunt Nicole, but then it was sleepy time again.

This evening Aunt Denise came to visit, along with Uncle Paul and my cousin Alex. Alex is really cool, and Uncle Paul is really silly. I even got to have my picture taken with Alex, but... you guessed it... I slept through all of it.

Aunt Denise is very special because she was born on my birthday! Well not on the exact same day as me, but we were both born on January 5th. Of course she was born like 100 years before me, but it was still on January 5th. Anyway she stayed for quite awhile and I got to sleep on her lap, too (good stuff!) but even for her I just could not wake up!

And the neighbors were here to meet me, too. They are just the nicest people! I slept on Heather's lap (which was great) and Dad let me take my picture with her and Haley and Michael, but again I just could not wake up! Unbelievable.

And now I have to go. It's bedtime and I'm worn out!

we have to get Ray's blog published--its too precious not to share!
Paps and Grandma Graybill agree with aunti gail--the blogs are a treasure for Ray and everyone who loves him.
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