Thursday, January 31, 2008


A trip to the veterinarian

Well yesterday I wasn't feeling too well. I was fussy and crying all afternoon, and I think Mommy was getting worn out! She took me to see Grandpa Driever for a chiropractic adjustment, and then we had a nice long car ride (translation: nap!).

Mommy and Pepper and I drove to Dad's office to pick him up. Then we drove on out to Harrison to see Dr. Kirst. She operated on Pepper's knee a couple of months ago, and he had to go back for a follow-up visit. Dr. Kirst is a great vet, and she has great taste in babies! She offered to trade Mommy all three of her kids and twenty dollars in cash for me. But Dad said, "No teenagers!" So the deal was off.

There were lots of dogs at Dr. Kirst's office. It was really neat. She said Pepper is OK too, but he has arthritis.

We wanted to stop and see our friends in Harrison, but we had Pepper with us and he would be cold and lonely waiting in the car, so we headed back home instead.

Today it was really cold outside, so Mommy and I stayed in and got some rest. :-) And now I've had my bedtime snack and I'm heading off to bed.

Dear Baby Ray,
I am glad you are home from your big adventures. Ask your dad if he will put some more pictures in your photo gallery. I have looked at all these so often I can see them in my sleep! Of course, you are so cute, that's not a bad thing! :-)
Love you!!
Aunt Nicole
OK, but I am even cuter in person.
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