Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Babies 'R Us, the store for... me!

Yesterday was a quiet day. Mommy and I stayed home all day. We straightened up around the house, did some laundry and took some naps. Of course I had to let Mommy do the laundry since I'm not tall enough to reach the washing machine yet. I did help with the napping, though.

Today I went with Mommy's to her office again and I got to meet a bunch of the Realtors that Mommy works with. Her mean boss made me cry, but everyone else was very nice. I made a new friend named Dave who held me for a little bit, and I met Jason, too.

Then it was off to Babies 'R Us. It was like a whole store full of stuff for me! We had a gift card I got from a nice man named Josh, and we returned a very nice gift (because I got two of them). Between the two we got to buy lots of nice things there without spending any money. I even got some swimming trunks for my trip to the beach in July!

When we got home, I played with the toy set I got from Grandma and Grandpa Bare for awhile, and then Mommy read me a book. It was about a cat but I liked it anyway. Then I fell asleep on the couch and I slept so soundly.

Now I've had my snack and I'm off to bed....

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