Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Back to the Great White North

Today Mommy and I had lunch with the nice ladies from church, and then we all went to that place where they sell all that stuff for kids. Mommy put me in a harness and carried me all around the store without using her hands! That was fun! Plus she bought me my very own suitcase.

This evening my best friend Erin came to see me. She is so nice. She is watching my house and my dogs for a few days because we are all going back to Findlay for another visit. Then after Dad finally got home from work, we all piled in Mommy's car and drove and drove and drove to cousin Donna's house. When we finally got all the way up there (I think it was about 5000 miles) it was snowing like crazy! The highway was slick and the streets in Findlay were even slicker and they were covered in snow! Luckily Mommy is a great driver and we didn't slide or slip or anything.

We we got here tonight cousin Steve was waiting up for us! He sure is nice -- he held me and everything. I like coming here to visit.

And now it's time for bed. (Daddy says it's past time for bed. He's no fun.) But I am not the least bit tired. I slept most of the way up here in the car, so now I'm wide awake and ready to play! But Dad says no more blogging tonight, so I have to go now.

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