Saturday, February 2, 2008


Fun in Ft. Thomas

Yesterday Mommy and I went to see our friends Bill and Billie in Ft. Thomas. (Yes, those are their real names.) They are so nice. Billie held me for awhile -- it was great! She has three babies but they're all grown ups now so they're not as much fun as I am. Bill held me too, for about 30 seconds. That was enough -- he's a musician so I figure he's a little dangerous.

While we were at their house their daughter Amy came to visit me too. She was worried she might give me her cold, so she didn't hold me very long, but she gave me a Cincinnati Reds outfit (how cool is that?) and a book too. Amy is so sweet, just like her mommy.

As if all of that wasn't enough, while we were there we picked up a really nice new bed for me to sleep in! It was from Mommy's friends Andy and Heather -- their baby used to sleep in it but now he's too big. It was very nice of them to let me use it, and I like it already. I tried it out last night, and I slept like a... well, I slept great.

I am always amazed how all of these grown-ups give me things and I haven't even met them!

Last night when Daddy got home we all went to Applebee's for some dinner. Dad had a salad (he is so boring) and I had a bottle.

Today I got to go back to Skyline. This time we went to the one in Eastgate, not to my favorite one by Dad's office. Then we went over to Petsmart and there were dogs all over that place! Big ones, little ones, young ones, old ones... it was pretty cool. We got food for my dogs and for Mommy's dumb cat.

Dad had to work tonight so Mommy and I went out on the town without him. First we went to that lobster place with my friends Lisa and John. It is always nice to see them again. I think if I got to pick my relatives I would add them to the list. Then Mommy and I went to Uncle Wayne's house, and my Cousin Emily held me and gave me a bottle. It was great! Of course I got to visit with Aunt Mary, too, and I met her relatives Peggy and Charlie and Amy. Everyone was so nice and we had a great time.

Now we're back home and Dad is still out working. Mommy and I are going to bed. After my snack, of course.

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