Sunday, February 10, 2008


My 6th weekend

It's Sunday night now and another weekend is in the history books. It seems like it was just a couple of weeks ago that I was born, but actually it has been 36 days!

Yesterday I went with Mommy to get her hair done again. (Is that all grown-ups do?) I'm not a big fan of hair salons but this trip was OK because I got to hang out with Holly again, plus I made a new friend named Jonathan. He's a kid like me but he's way bigger -- he's like four years old! He's almost as old as my Cousin Andrea!

Anyway after we got home I had a nice nap and then I went with Mommy and Daddy to that Australian place again. We got to go with my friends Lisa and John, and while we were waiting for our table my Aunt Mary and Uncle Wayne came there too! It was just luck, we didn't plan it that way. (We made them get their own table because if John got really hungry he might gnaw off their arm.) Aunt Mary did give me my bottle while Mommy ate, though, and I got to see my Cousin Emily too.

I slept pretty well last night, and then at lunch time today we went to Olive Garden to see my friend Bea. She is from Columbia (except she pronounces it "colooombia") and she has a really neat accent. Anyway Grandma and Grandpa Graybill were there as usual, and Grandma held me for the longest time. I took a little nap on her shoulder -- it was great! She couldn't twirl her spaghetti and hold me at the same time, but Grandpa was finished with his meal and held me for quite awhile. I took another little nap in his arms.

After we got home I didn't feel too well. (I thought maybe it was all the garlic in that Italian food, but then I remembered that I just had a bottle while I was there, so that probably wasn't it.) Every time I started to fall asleep I would wake up again because I didn't feel well. Dad even walked back and forth across the house and rocked me in his arms, but I still couldn't quite fall asleep.

After I had my dinner this evening I finally slept for awhile. Then I woke up and had a snack, and now I'm off to bed....

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