Sunday, February 3, 2008


My first trip to church

This morning I went to church with Mommy and Daddy for the first time ever. I got to meet some people there before the service and everyone was very nice. Then they started the music and it was VERY good. I didn't know any of the songs but the musicians there are so talented! I really enjoyed it.

I enjoyed the sermon too. The sanctuary is huge and our pastor is very interesting, and I rested in Mommy's arms through the whole service, just looking all around and listening to the sermon. I didn't sleep at all! (I'm not sure Dad can say that.)

After the service we went up to the Sunday School rooms and saw some of the kids and the other teachers that Mommy works with when she teaches Sunday School. My aunt Gail was there, and we saw Shannon for just a minute (she is very busy on Sunday mornings!). Everyone was very nice. Lots of people there said I look like my dad. Personally I think I look like me, but I suppose there is a certain resemblance.

After church we went to Olive Garden to see Grandma and Grandpa Graybill. (I think they might live there, I'm not sure.) Grandma held me for awhile (could anything in the world be better than having your grandma hold you?) and I got to see my friend Bea for just a minute before I fell asleeep.

After lunch we went home and I had a nap, and then Aunt Nicole came to visit, and she brought my cousins Brooklyn, Hayley and Andrea. All four of them held me and Aunt Nicole rocked me in her arms -- it was great! After awhile I was trying to fall asleep but Dad kept tickling Cousin Hayley and they kept waking me up again. :-|

After the girls left the evening was quiet and I slept pretty soundly. Then I had some dinner and a nap and a snack, and now I'm off to bed. Goodnight.

Dear Baby Ray,
I sure liked playing with you. You were very nice while I held you and I told my mom that I knew you wanted to stay with me!
My mom and I looked at ALL of your pictures again this morning because I really like to do that. I hope your dad puts up OUR picture soon ... I kept asking my mom to put that one on the computer screen but she said your dad had to do it first.
Hayley made you a present at school so now I have to go downstairs and make one for you too!!
Love, Andrea
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