Sunday, February 17, 2008


A quiet weekend

Friday during the day Mommy and I rested after our big Thursday. Then around 4:30 PM I went to my Aunt Mary's house to stay with her and Uncle Wayne and my Cousin Emily while Mommy went to church. It was big fun. My Cousin Emily is so sweet. She's a kid like me but she's really big -- almost a grownup! We played on the floor together, and she and Aunt Mary argued about who got to hold me next. It was so much fun that I almost didn't want Mommy to come back! Almost. :-)

I didn't sleep very well Friday night. I kept waking up about every two hours. I think by yesterday morning Mommy was pretty worn out. Finally about 10:00 AM Daddy got up with me (normally he just sleeps like a log). He gave me a bottle and rocked me until he left to go move musical equipment.

When Dad got back we went to O'Charley's for lunch. Mommy had the black and bleu salad, no bleu. (It hardly had any black either, which she liked.) I had a bottle. Then after lunch we went to Wal-Mart. It's no Target but there's lots to see there too.

When we got home, Dad took a little nap and then left to go mix up some music. Mommy and I stayed home and watched a movie on TV. Right before bedtime I had my first rice cereal. It was pretty tasty and I sure felt full afterward.

This morning Dad and I got dressed and went to Olive Garden for some lunch. Mommy said she was tired because some baby keeps waking her up at night, so she stayed home and rested. When we got there, Grandma and Grandpa Graybill were there again! They are there every single time I go in there! Anyway it was great to see them and my friend Bea was there too. Grandma was so busy holding me and giving me my bottle that she forgot to eat her lunch! (Really!) Dad and Grandpa finished their lunches before Grandma even started to eat her salad, and since Grandpa was finished she let him hold me while she ate. I was tired though, so Dad put me back into my car seat and I went to sleep.

After lunch we went down to Dad's office to change the tape (and my diaper). We didn't stay there long though before we headed back home. I spent the rest of the day napping and hanging out with Mommy.

And now I had some more rice cereal and I'm really sleepy....

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