Thursday, February 14, 2008


Three little, one BIG

It's been a long week already, and it's only Thursday.

Let me get you up to speed: On Monday I wasn't feeling all that great. My tummy kinda hurt and I just wasn't in a very good mood. Dad came home early from work to stay with me so Mommy could go the Orient nation (or something like that). Apparently she teaches them. (I though she was just a mommy.... Oh yeah and a realtor.) Anyway Dad took me over to see Grandpa Driever at his office, and I got to hang out with Grandpa and Janet and Donna for a little while.

Usually after I go see Grandpa Driever I feel better, and I did feel a little better, but I was still kinda fussy Monday evening. Poor old Dad couldn't do anything to help either. But I finally got a good night's sleep Monday night and I felt much better on Tuesday morning.

Tuesday we had a big snow storm. Actually an ice storm. Dad called his employees and told them to stay home, and he stayed home too. It was nice having Dad around, but Mommy and I tried to keep quiet and stay out of his way so he could get some work done from home.

On Wednesday I started feeling kinda run down again. Mommy and I stayed home and rested during the day -- I don't think she felt all that great either. Dad came home early again and Mommy went to give a test to some people. It was something about ornaments again or something like that. Once again I was not feeling so great. I didn't even feel like writing in my blog!

Well the first three days of this week weren't very exciting, but the fourth day sure made up for it! Today I went with Mommy to her office in Batavia, and I got to hang out with my friend Jimmi again! I got to meet Rebecca and Marcia and some more of the nice people there, and Jimmi held me for awhile -- she is so nice. She let Mommy change my diaper in her office and just treated me like a king. It was great! We stayed and visited for a little while, and I would have been happy to stay there even longer, but we had another exciting stop to make....

It turns out that besides being Valentine's Day, today is my Cousin Hayley's birthday! She is SEVEN now -- can you imagine? She is SO big now. I can't wait 'til I'm seven, too, but that is SO far away.... Anyway we had to leave Jimmi's office so we could go to Hayley's birthday party at LaRosa's. It was great -- my Aunt Nicole was there and I finally got to meet my Uncle Richy! (He has been working on a secret project since before I was born! I don't think Aunt Nicole has let him out out of the house even once!) Anyway Uncle Richy is so kind, and he held me and it was just great. Plus all three of my Cousins were there too! And Grandma and Grandpa Graybill and Grandpa and Grandma Driever. It was also the first time Grandma Driever got to hold me (every time I go to Grandpa's office, Donna and Janet won't let her hold me!).

I think Hayley had a nice party. Most of the Parkers were there, including Hayley's Cousins and her Grandma and Grandpa. My dad came straight from work and met us there too. The kids all ate pizza, and the grown ups had salad, and I had a bottle. Everyone seemed like they had a great time. I know I did.

Now I'm worn out and I'm going to bed!

Hi Ray!
Thanks for coming to my party! Did you have a good time? Thanks for my make-up and Shrek movie! Have you grown a tooth yet? I can't wate til you grow a tooth! I love you so much!!!!!! Love Hayley!

PS - You are a good speller for a baby. I typed this myself, but I had to ask my mom how to write make-up and how to spell Shrek!
Hi Hayley!
I did have a good time at your party. No, I don't have any teeth yet. Mommy says she's glad. ??? I've never had any so I don't mind either way.
I sure do love you, and Brooke and Andrea too!


P.S. -- I love to spell. And tell your mom that "makeup" is actually the synonym for cosmetics. ("Make-up" is an adjective, like the kind of exam her students might take if they were sick during finals week.)
Dear Baby Ray,
Thanks for the spelling clarification. My mom said she doesn't usually correct other people's grammar or spelling, especially people who do not have graduate degrees, like she does, because she does not want to seem pretentious (whatever that means), so I am glad you told me. Oh, and she says if your dad ever needs any computer help, he can call her!

Love, Hayley

PS - She also said your dad is a smart Aleck, but I thought his name was Uncle Jeff! Grownups are so weird. ;-)
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