Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Eighty winks

Finally, a good night's sleep!

I hadn't slept well for several nights until last night. I fell asleep watching Dave (my TV pal) sometime before midnight, and I didn't wake up until 4:30 this morning! Then Mommy fed me and we went back to sleep, and I didn't get up until around 8:00 A.M.

I think Mommy slept almost as much as I did because she was a much happier person today.

For at least the past two or three days I just haven't slept very well, either at night or during the day. I have just been taking little catnaps during the day: It seems like I would just get to sleep and then I'd wake up again. Then at night I would only sleep about two hours, then I'd be up for an hour. In fact, the night before last I went to bed around 11 P.M. but I didn't fall asleep until 3:30 in the morning!

But yesterday I went to see Grandpa Driever and he gave me a chiropractic adjustment. Right after that my friend Janet rocked me to sleep, but then it was time to leave Grandpa's office. Mommy and I went to Target (yea!) and I sat in my rolling throne and watched all the colorful merchandise as it went by. From there we went home, and I had a nice, long, restful nap (oh yeah!).

I hung out with Dad yesterday evening, and then like I already said I fell asleep while we were watching Dave.

Today Mommy and I had a quiet day around the house. We had lots of snow this morning and Mommy said the roads were slippery, so we just stayed home. We straightened up things in my bedroom and watched some TV and let the dogs in and out and in and out and in. I had a couple of nice (but short) naps.

Tonight I'm tired but I'm not very sleepy. But I think I'm going to go to bed now anyway and see if I can fall asleep.

Paps and I are so glad you are feeling better and able to sleep. It has been very hard on both you and Mommy! I hope this is the beginning of your big boy nights when you sleep most of the night and Mommy and Daddy can get some rest too.
You have been busy doing a lot of growing!!!! I could barely pick you up last Sunday. You are so strong and healthy! I sure look forward to Sundays when I can see you. Tell Mommy I said Thanks for letting you come to lunch with Daddy last Sunday. Love, Grandma Graybill
Hi Grandma!

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! I love seeing you and Paps at that restaurant -- I always look forward to that, too! Thanks for giving me my bottle there (I don't really like Italian food).

I am planning to be tall and strong when I grow up. So far, so good.

I love you!
--Baby Ray
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