Saturday, April 5, 2008


It's my birthday! (sort of)

Today I am exactly three months old! Now I know that all of you grownups only celebrate full years but for me three months is a big deal!

And guess what? It's my Aunt Nicole's birthday today! She is celebrating another whole year of course. I don't know how many but it's a bunch. Dad says she's on top of the hill now. I don't know what hill he's talking about but apparently she'll be over it by next year. (I hope she doesn't fall off.)

This morning we got up early and went to some breakfast place for lunch. Mommy had a cheeseburger and Dad had bacon and eggs. I had a bottle. It was great because Aunt Nicole was there to celebrate her birthday, and she brought Uncle Richy and my three Cousins, too! I love Brooklyn and Hayley and Andrea and it sure seems like I don't get to see them often enough. Of course I have a pretty busy schedule and I guess they do too, so that's the way it goes. Anyway it sure was great to see them this morning. And Uncle Richy too -- he even held me for awhile. It was great!

After lunch Mommy and I went to Target (oh yeah!) and my Aunt Denise and my Cousin Alex were there! It was so great to see them. They bought me a monkey, too! (A stuffed one, not a live one.) He's pretty cool. I am so lucky to have such a great family.

This evening we stayed home. Mommy and Daddy had pizza and I had a bottle. I'm still not feeling all that great and I'm still kind of stuffy. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

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