Sunday, April 27, 2008


Over the hills and through the woods...

I have the best grandparents! I am so lucky!

I have three sets: I probably see Grandpa and Grandma Driever the most often -- I go to Grandpa's office just about every week, sometimes twice in the same week. I know I went to see him this past week, but I've already forgotten exactly which day that was.

I see my Grandma and Grandpa Graybill almost every week, too. We have lunch with them on Sundays at that Italian place. Today Grandpa carried me all around the restaurant -- it was great!

My Grandpa and Grandma Bare live in a far away land called "West Union," so I don't get to see them as often as I would like. But boy it sure is great when I do! We drove clear out to their house yesterday. (OK technically Mommy did the driving -- Dad and I mostly just slept. Dad is just like me, only bigger and goofier and he doesn't cry as much.) Anyway we spent all afternoon with Grandma, and she gave me my first solid food -- baked apples! She even had a machine there to chew it up for me before I ate it, since I don't have any teeth. It wasn't as good as my bottle, but it tasted OK. I would order it again.

When Grandpa got home we all went out to dinner to someplace called a "buffet." Dad says that's a French word that means "eat yourself silly." Mommy had steak and vegetables and mac and cheese. I had a bottle. Dad had everything.

After dinner we went back to Grandpa and Grandma's for a little more visiting. Then it was time for the long drive home (for Mommy), or the long sleep home (for Dad and me).

Today I went to church and hung out with the other babies. Then we went to lunch (as I said above), and then Mommy and I took a quick trip to Wal-Mart and then stopped at my friend Holly's house for a party! (Dad stayed home and worked like a rented mule.) We had fun at the party -- there was a baby there who was even younger than me, and another one that hasn't even been born yet!

After my big day I am pretty worn out. I have slept most of this evening, and now I'm going to bed.

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