Wednesday, April 2, 2008


"She turned me into a newt!"

I got better, but I haven't been feeling very well this week. On Monday, Mommy and I went to see my Grandpa and Grandma Bare (which was great!), and on the way home I got sick to my stomach. I was in my car seat in the back and Mommy was driving and I wanted to tell her to pull over but I can't talk yet. There aren't any airsick bags in Mommy's car, either, so I ended up getting sick all over myself and my car seat. Five times!

Mommy drove straight to Grandpa Driever's office. Dad met us there and he said I was as pale as a sheet! But I got a chiropractic adjustment and some clean clothes and I felt so much better! By the time we left there Dad said my color was coming back. I came home and had a nice little nap, and by the time I woke up I was hungry again.

I felt better on Tuesday but maybe that was just because Mommy stayed home with me all day.

Today was my first day at preschool. My friend Holly is in charge there, and now Mommy works there too! It was pretty fun but I still wasn't feeling like my usual self. I think I have a bit of a cold because my nose was running and I was coughing and sneezing and I just generally didn't feel that great. Dad came and picked me up a little early and we went back to Grandpa Driever's office. We both got adjustments and once again I came home and had a great nap.

Tonight I feel better than I have all day. I think I'm going to turn in early though, and try to get a good night's sleep.

Dear Baby Ray,

I am so glad you are back to the blog. I really missed hearing from you last week. Of course, I got to see you in person, which is better, but still...

I'm a little confused though. I want to know what the title today means. Why are you a newt, and who did it to you?? I imagine it has something to do with your dad's sense of humor (he has been known to say crazy things), but I am curious, all the same!

Much love,
Aunt Nicole
I'm not a newt! I got better!

(It's from Monty Python's "The Holy Grail," silly!)

Baby Ray
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