Monday, April 21, 2008


Still fightin' it

Oh I have not been feeling very well. I have been so stuffy and congested for about a year now. OK maybe not quite that long, but I think it really has been about two weeks. That's almost one seventh of my life!

It's just a cold. Dad says I'll live, and I think he's probably right. (Mommy is not so sure.) But the problem is, I just can't sleep very well. It's so hard to breathe when my head is all stuffy! It's hard to eat, too. (Let's see you drink your entire dinner from a bottle when you can't breathe through your nose!)

Thursday morning I went to preschool as usual, but by the afternoon I felt terrible. Mommy said I had a fever of 102 degrees! (Dad told me later that babies always have higher body temperatures than grownups, so 102 degrees wasn't all that high.) Right after school, Mommy took me to my Grandpa Driever's office and he gave me a chiropractic adjustment, and boy did I feel better! I was still stuffy but I slept OK.

Friday Mommy and I stayed home from school. She wasn't feeling very well either, and she said they have lots of Germans at the preschool and she said she didn't want me exposed to them. So we took it easy until Dad got home from work, and then we all went out to O'Charley's for dinner.

Saturday we all slept in, and around 1:00 PM we went to Bob Evans. Dad had breakfast. Mommy had lunch. I had a bottle. Next we headed back home for a nice nap! Saturday evening Dad went somewhere to make the music louder, and Mommy and I went to Target! (I'm still the king, and as usual everyone wanted to see me.) Then we went to Aunt Mary and Uncle Wayne's house, and I had fun visiting with them and my Cousin Emily.

But by Saturday night I felt lousy again. I cried and cried and cried. I was still crying when Dad got home at 3:00 AM! He and I sat on the couch and had a bottle until I finally fell asleep about 4:15 AM.

Sunday morning we got up and went to church with Grandpa Driever. My Uncle Danny is the band leader there, and my Aunt Tammy is the preacher. My Cousins Aaron and Amanda are in the band, too. The music was great, and even the sermon was good. (I stayed for most of it, and Dad didn't fall asleep like he usually does!) My Aunt Nicole and Uncle Richy were there, and Brooklyn and Hayley and Andrea too! And my friend Donna held me and played with me on the floor and finally took me over to the kids' room, so Mommy could listen to the sermon.

After church all of my relatives went to Grandpa's house for a big birthday party. (Grandpa had another birthday on Friday, and now he's even older!) My Great Aunt Darlene was there (she really is great!) and Dad's Cousin Mike and his family came all the way from another country called "Kentucky." It was great to see everyone but I felt lousy, and I cried and cried. Everyone wanted to hold me and try to make me feel better -- I have the nicest family!

Finally last night I felt better again, and I got some sleep. Today Mommy and I went back to school, and I had a pretty good day. I still have a little congestion but I think I'm finally feeling better. I'll beat this cold yet!

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