Sunday, April 13, 2008


What a great weekend!

Well I had a big week. I went to work with Mommy three days, and spent the other two mornings with my best friend Erin. (Dad says I'm supposed to call her "Erin R.N." now but I think he is just goofing with me.) She has been staying with me every Tuesday and Thursday, but this week was the last week for that. Starting next week I'll be going to work with Mommy every day.

On Friday night Mommy and Daddy went on a date, and my Cousin Brooklyn and Grandma Graybill came to my house and stayed with me. It was great! I got to play with Brooklyn and I even got to sit on her lap for a little bit. And of course Grandma spoiled me like she always does.

Then yesterday morning we got up early and went to the Kidney Foundation 5K race! My best friend Erin came to my house and rode way across town with Mommy and Daddy and me, and when we got there my friend Lori and her daughter Shannon were there too. I got my picture taken with Captain Kidney and I got to see the nice ladies from the Kidney Foundation, too.

Then they started shooting and we got the heck out of there! A bunch of people ran the whole way, but we just walked. OK actually I rode part of the way in my stroller and Mommy, Daddy and Erin carried me the rest of the way. Along the course I met Dad's friend Linda Faye, and after we finished she held me for the longest time -- it was great!

After we got home we all had a siesta and just took it easy for the afternoon. Then in the evening my Grandma Graybill came back and spent the whole night with me! Mommy and Daddy went out to hear some band (I don't know what time they finally came home), and when I got up this morning Grandma was still here! (Yea!)

This morning Grandma went to church with us, and then we all went to that Italian restaurant and met Grandpa Graybill and my friend Bea. It was great!

What a great weekend!

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