Friday, May 23, 2008


Congratulations Heather!

I feel much better today. This stupid croup is not going to keep me down! I still have a pretty lousy cough and I don't quite feel 100% well, but I feel like I'm almost there.

I had a good day at my school with my great teachers. I tried to take Miss Kathy's earring but I couldn't get it off of her ear. This evening Dad picked me up and we came home for just a few minutes. Then when we were leaving again we had some bad luck: Mommy's cat ran behind her car while she was backing out of the garage, and her cat got hurt. We had to take her to the cat hospital right away. The veterinarian was really nice but she didn't have any answers for us, and they kept Snickers for the night. Mommy is worried because Snickers is very old. If you know a cat prayer you should say one for her tonight.

But there is happy news in the world tonight, too: It was a very big night for my Cousin Heather -- her graduation! She is all grown up now. She looked so beautiful in her long white gown, and I really liked her big, flat hat. She had to wear a blue thing around her neck which most of the kids didn't have. I think it had something to do with her grades, which is strange because I thought she always got really good grades. She also got to wear a gold coin around her neck, which was really cool.

The ceremony was nice and they had a band there to play music for me, which I really liked. I also got to see Grandma and Grandpa Graybill, and my Cousins Christopher, Brooklyn, Hayley and Andrea too, which is always great. Plus my Aunt Cookie held me for awhile -- that was great too!

After the graduation we went to a little restaurant where my crazy Uncle Danny was playing some really good music! My Grandpa and Grandma Driever were there too, and of course my Aunt Tammy -- I think Uncle Dan drags her out to all of his gigs. It's always nice to visit with Grandpa and Grandma, and I really enjoyed the music. Mommy had fried chicken and Daddy had a hamburger. I had a bottle.

It was a nice end to the day, but there's one thing I just don't understand: I kept seeing Uncle Danny pick up his keyboard and hold it like a guitar, and when he played it I kept hearing a guitar. But there wasn't any guitar -- he was definitely playing a keyboard! Weird. I can't figure it out.

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