Wednesday, May 7, 2008


A Great Saturday

I've been a little behind on my blogging, but I wanted to write a little about last Saturday. TWO of my Great Aunts came to my house to visit me!

My Great Aunt Judy was in town and I got to meet her for the first time. She lives in some place called North Carolina -- I don't know where that is but I guess it must somewhere up north. All I know is that it is really far away from here, and that we are going there in July. Anyway since she was in town she came to my house to visit, and she brought my Great Aunt Darlene with her too. Aunt Darlene lives in the land of Goshen, which isn't all that far away, but I think I've only seen her once before. (I know she came to visit me in the hospital the day after I was born, but I don't think I've seen her since.)

Anyway it was great to see them both, and they stayed and visited with me for quite awhile. They are both so nice. They both held me and we had a great visit.

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