Saturday, May 10, 2008


Teacher Appreciation

This past week was Teacher Appreciation week at my preschool. I have three teachers and they're all great: Miss Beverly, Miss Kathy and Miss Susan. Some are there in the morning and some are there in the afternoon, but they're always so nice and they take great care of me.

And they take care of the other babies too, of course -- they don't spoil me just because Mommy works in the office. At least I don't think so anyway.

Teachers are great. They change lives! (Some of them change diapers, too, which is also pretty great, let me tell you....)

Anyway Mommy has been sick this week. Last night she really didn't feel well. Dad was out with those goofy musicians and Mommy and me went to see Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and my Cousin Emily. But the later it got in the evening, the worse she felt. We came home and we both laid in Mommy's big bed and watched TV. She kept having to get up because she didn't feel well, but I just laid there and watched TV and tried not to bother her. By the time Dad got home I was asleep.

Today she is feeling better but she's still not completely well. This afternoon she fell asleep on the couch, and Dad and I snuck out to the mall to get something called a "Mother's Day" present. Apparently tomorrow is Mother's Day, and I've never been to a Mother's Day before so I don't know what it's all about. But Dad says it's when kids are supposed to tell their Mom how much they care, so we snuck out and got her a necklace. I looked at a whole bunch of them but I really liked the gold one we got her. (We saw my friend Jimmi while we were there, too!)

On the way home we stopped at Walgreen's and Dad read me every single Mother's Day card. Lots of them were nice and some of them were funny, but I picked one about her first Mother's Day because Dad says this is Mommy's first one too. (That doesn't make any sense to me because she's really old and surely she must have been to one of these things before. But Dad never lies to me so I have to believe him.)

Mommy woke up when we got home, but I didn't tell her where we had been -- it's a surprise! Plus I can't talk yet anyway.

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