Sunday, June 8, 2008


Dedicated to me

Today was a big day. This morning we all got up early and went to church, and we we got there my Grandma G. was there, and Grandpa and Grandma D., and Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and Aunt Nicole, and my Cousins Emily, Brooklyn, Hayley and Andrea! It was great! Grandma held for awhile, then Aunt Nicole held me for awhile, then Mommy held me.

The music was great as always. The sermon was very good one, too: Four things a child needs to learn when they're growing up. Of course I don't remember what any of those things were because I'm just a baby and babies aren't very good at remembering things. I like our preacher though. He has a funny accent.

The best part was that today's service was dedicated to the babies (including me!). Or something like that. At the end of the sermon the minister asked all the parents with babies and little kids to come up to the front of the sanctuary. Mommy and Daddy and I went up there and the minister talked for a little bit. (I don't remember what he said because babies don't have good memories and besides that I was asleep.) All I know is that I woke up and the whole thing was over and there were lots and lots of parents standing up there with babies. It was pretty cool.

Then we went to that Italian place for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma. My friend Bea took our orders and brought us food. Except she didn't bring my food -- I had a bottle. Mommy brought that in her giant black purse.

Then Grandma and I went back to my house and I had a little nap and then I played with Grandma for a little bit -- that was big fun. After that I went to a baby shower with Mommy, but it was nothing like I expected. (I didn't even get wet!) It turns out it was for my friend Shannon (who is not a baby but is going to have one soon). My auntie Gail was there too, and lots of nice ladies from our church. I got to visit with lots of the grownups there, plus I got another little nap. :-)

When we got home I played with my toy (I found it that it turns!) and with my dog Pepper a little bit. Now that I've figured out how to work my hands I can grab his tail! I also grabbed his nose and I think that made him sneeze -- it was about the funnies thing I've ever seen! I laughed and laughed.

And now this evening I'm just trying to get some rest. Our air conditioner isn't working right and it was hot outside today. (Dad said it was 94 degrees!) It's not too cool in our house tonight, either. It makes it hard for a boy to sleep!

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