Thursday, June 12, 2008


Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was Mommy and Daddy's wedding anniversary! Mommy says they have been married for three years! Can you imagine anything lasting that long? That's more than six lifetimes. (Well six of my lifetimes, anyway.)

Of course we all had to do the usual Wednesday things: Dad went off to work in the morning and Mommy and I went to preschool. I had a good day there: My teachers were great (as always) and Mommy came into my room to see me a few times during the day.

Dad actually came to pick me up from school before Mommy was ready to leave (instead of working half the night like he does sometimes). He and I went home and let my dogs out, and then shortly Mommy got home too. Then we all went to Japan for dinner. Mommy and Daddy both had steak and chicken, and I had a bottle. Mommy ate hers with two sticks again (I don't know why). After dinner the Japanese lady came over to our table and talked to me for quite awhile. (She is very nice, and she has a daughter who's about 9 months older than I am.)

Mommy got some pretty red roses for their anniversary. Daddy got his favorite candy. (I think he got the better end of that deal!)

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