Thursday, June 5, 2008


I'm Five today!

Five months, that is. Boy it sure seems like I should be older than that by now. I wonder if I'll ever get big enough to walk or ride a Big Wheel....

I'm having a good week. My teachers are great and I like going to the preschool. Mommy visits with me several times a day and my teachers are very nice to me (even when Mommy's not looking).

I'm also getting much better with my hands! I'm finally getting them to do what I want them to do, most of the time anyway. Tonight I took Mommy's malt away from her! I just reached out and grabbed it away so fast that she didn't even know what hit her! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! It was great! I couldn't figure out how to get that big cup in my mouth though....

I'm getting good at grabbing other things, too. One day last week I grabbed Dad's glasses and pulled them right off his face, all in one motion. And I'm getting really good at grabbing hair, too: Mommy's hair, my teachers' hair.... I can't quite get a handful of Dad's beard, but I've been trying.

Well it's a school night and it's past my bedtime, so good night. Dad says, "Don't take any wooden nickles." (I don't know what it means either. He says some goofy stuff.)

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