Sunday, June 1, 2008


My Cousin Emily is a star!

Tonight we went to a play at my Cousin Emily's church. She was the star of the play and she was great! She sang and said her lines and everything. She was so good that the grownups in charge gave her a present after it was over, and she got roses too. My Grandma and Grandpa Bare were there to see the play too, and they held me through the whole show. It was great!

After the play we went to Emily's house. Mommy and Daddy had sandwiches and slaw. I had a nap. (That play wore me out!) I got see Aunt Denise there, too!

I've had a pretty good week. Monday was a holiday so I only went to my school four days. My teachers were great as usual. Dad picked me up early on Tuesday night and we went to see Grandpa and Grandma Driever at Grandpa's office. Then I went home and Grandma Graybill came and stayed with me while Mommy and Daddy went to see some new baby at the hospital. Dad picked me up early on Wednesday, too, but we just went home to hang out.

Friday night we went to Miss Holly's house and I got to hang out with her son Jonathon and watch SpongeBob. Saturday was pretty uneventful -- we were home most of the day and Mommy, Daddy and I all took naps. (What a good day!) In the evening we went and rented a movie but I didn't get to watch it because it was rated PG. Today we went to that Italian place for lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Graybill. (Mommy had Tilapia, I had a bottle.) Tonight we went to the play.

Now you're up to date!

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