Sunday, June 15, 2008


Over and over

What an exciting weekend! I had my first sleepover, with Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and my Cousin Emily! It was great!!! Last night Mommy and Daddy took me to their house, and I spent the whole evening there. I got to play with my Cousin Emily, we watched a movie and I had a bottle. What a great evening!

Then when it was time for bed, I got to sleep in Emily's room with her! It was great! Uncle Wayne setup my bassinet in her room, and I got to sleep in there all night! (OK I almost slept all night. I woke up about 1:30 in the morning, Aunt Mary gave me a bottle and I went back to sleep.)

Mommy and Daddy came and picked me up this morning, and the best part of all was that Uncle Wayne said I can come back and spend the night anytime! Yea!

Then this afternoon I went on my first sound job with Daddy! It was neat, and the music was good, too. He was running sound for Twistlock and they were playing at an outdoor festival. Mommy and I only stayed for the first set because it was hot hot hot here today, but it was still pretty neat. I got to go backstage and meet the band and everything!

After Mommy and I got back home and got cooled off, I had a little nap and then Mommy put me on the floor on my stomach. I didn't like laying on my stomach, so I figured out how to roll myself over! I have been trying to do that for a couple of weeks or so, but I hadn't quite figured it out until today.

Tonight I had a bath and a bottle, and now I'm sitting on the couch with Mommy and Daddy for awhile. Dad and I tried to call Grandpa tonight to wish him a happy Father's Day, but he wasn't home so we left a message. Mommy is looking at little zoot suits on (she is so strange).

It's been a big day and I'm tired. I'm going to bed.

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