Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I'm a beach bum!

Today I went into the ocean! Well, first I sat on the beach and the ocean came to me. It was pretty neat -- Mommy and I were just sitting there on the sand, and then a big wave came crashing towards us and a little trickle of water rolled right up the beach to where we were sitting. Then it turned around and rolled back out.

Yesterday I sat on the beach and felt the sand. I even tasted a little bit of it. (It's not very good.) But today was the first time I went into the water. (I tasted the water, too. Very salty!)

After we sat on the beach for awhile, Dad brought my little inflatable seat down to us and we all went out into the ocean. At first Dad was just carrying me, and I was just watching the waves crashing around his feet. That was pretty cool. Then Dad put me in my little raft, and the waves started crashing over me, and that just wasn't any fun. We tried going out a little farther, but the waves were just too strong today and we decided to head back to shore.

After our big adventure in the waves we went back up to the beach house and got in the pool! Yes, our house is so nice that it even has a pool just for me! Well Mommy got in with me even though it's really not for grown-ups. I guess she didn't want me to drown. That seems like a good goal.

I liked playing in the pool. The only waves in there were the ones I made when I smacked the water with both hands. (I'll show that water who's boss!)

Tonight the grown-ups had some kind of lunch meat sandwiches and potato chips for dinner. (That sounds more like lunch to me.) I had some squash and then some prunes -- they were both very good. And a bottle, of course.

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