Sunday, July 13, 2008


It's good to be home

Well the beach was fun and it was great to see my cousins, but I'm home now and it's good to be home. We left the beach early yesterday morning. Not really early like cousin Cindy, and not really, really early like cousin Donna. But early. Around 9:15 in the morning I think.

Then we drove and drove and drove. Actually Mommy did the driving part -- I had a nice long nap. When we got to this place called Cary, North Carolina, we got off the highway and went to my old friends' house and I finally got to meet them!

A long, long time ago, back in ancient times (May), I told you about my friends I hadn't even met yet, Mary and Ibrahim. Well I finally got to meet them! It turns out they are even nicer than you imagined! Can you imagine that? Well I guess you can't or you already would have. Anyway they have a giant house on a lake, with a giant deck in the back (that Ibrahim built!), and they have rain forest in their back yard! There were about 600 kinds of plants back there. It was really neat. Dad said we were going to visit the Krohn Conservatory when we got home, but after visiting Mary and Ib's house we don't need to anymore.

Anyway we all went to lunch, then Mommy and Daddy and I checked into our hotel and had a nice siesta. And a bottle. It was great! Then around 5:00 PM or so we headed back to Mary's house for a cookout. My new friends Angela and Steve also came to Mary's house (with their tall sons), and my new friends Kevin and Johanna did too. Johanna was very pregnant -- she looked like she was ready to have a baby any minute. (And it turns out she was! She had a beautiful baby girl named Andrea this morning! How cool is that?)

By the way, does Andrea have a lot of hair or what??? I thought I was born with a lot of hair! This chick has me beat by a mile!

(Maybe when I learn to talk I'll ask her for a date. Maybe we can go to Target....)

Well we all had a very nice evening. Everyone there was so great. Johanna held me even though she probably wasn't supposed to lift anything that heavy. There was lots of laughing and way too much food (thanks Mary!), and everyone seemed to have a great time. Plus my friend Angela brought me a present -- a whole set of cars and trucks to play with! (Thanks Angela!) By the end of the night I was worn out and we headed back to the hotel for some shut-eye.

This morning we didn't have to get up quite so early. We checked out of the hotel and went back to Mary and Ib's house (and there was still a ton of food there!). From there we all went to a really nice restaurant for breakfast, and Mary held me for the longest time, even after her food came -- it was great! Daddy had eggs for breakfast. Mommy had a hamburger. I had a bottle, and some prunes. Mmmm, prunes....

After breakfast we said our goodbyes and got back on the highway for home. Oh man it was a loooong way. We drove and drove and drove and drove. Of course I slept most of the time because, well, that's what I do. :-) We stopped in West Virginia for dinner at that Australian place, and walked around the city block to stretch our legs. (OK I rode in the stroller, but it was still nice to be out of the car.) Then we got back in the car and drove and drove and drove some more.

We finally got home tonight just after 11:00 PM, and even though my bedtime is normally around 10:00 or 10:30, guess what -- I'm wide awake! I think Mommy wants to go to bed but I'm ready to play! Woo hoo!

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