Tuesday, July 1, 2008


My cousin's wedding

I went to my first wedding this weekend. Grandma and Grandpa Graybill came to our house Saturday morning and they rode with Mommy, Daddy and me all the way to northern Ohio. It was a long drive but I slept most of the way. Of course we had to stop at Chipotle because we had my Grandpa with us and he always wants to eat there.

We stayed in a nice hotel in Findlay, Ohio. We checked in Saturday afternoon and unloaded the car and changed our clothes for the wedding. I wore my new suit and I looked good. Then we drove out into the country to the church.

The wedding was very nice. My cousin Erin looked so beautiful in her white gown. My cousin Leah was the maid of honor, and my cousins Ashleigh and Lynsey were bridesmaids. The ceremony was a little long for my taste -- I got a little bored toward the end. But it was nice and it seemed to be effective: By the end of it Erin and Josh were married.

After the wedding there was a big party called a "reception." I had never been to one of those before but it was very nice too. My cousin Steve gave a very good toast to his daughter and new son-in-law. Then my cousin Leah gave them a toast and I think it was even better than her dad's! After all the talking everybody ate dinner and cake and all that (I had a bottle). Then there was lots of dancing, and I even got to dance with the bride! (I had to let her lead.) My cousin Leah held me for quite awhile, too, which was great!

Then it was back to the hotel for the night, and Sunday morning we went to cousin Steve's house. Josh and Erin were there, too, and they opened all their gifts (a bunch of them!). Around Noon we were back on the road for the long drive home. Mommy started feeling really sick, and she had a fever and everything. By the time we got home she was feeling terrible. Dad and I tried to take care of her but I wasn't much help and Dad wasn't much better.

Yesterday Mommy was still very sick and she and I stayed home from school. Around 5:00 we went to Grandpa Driever's office and got chiropractic adjustments, and after that Mommy started feeling much better.

Today Mommy is feeling much better, but tonight Dad is sick. I hope he feels better tomorrow.

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