Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Remember me?

I've been neglecting my blog. I'm a busy kid! After our big beach trip I didn't sleep very well for a few days. Not at night, anyway. I slept OK during the day.

Since my last blog entry I've been going to my preschool with Mommy during the week, and spending time with Mommy and Daddy on the weekends. Two weekends ago they went out without me, though (to listen to some silly band) on Saturday night. I got to spend the evening with Grandma -- it was great! I had my nap in the afternoon and I was ready to play when Grandma got here. She gave me some prunes (mmmm, prunes...) and we played and then I had my bottle and went to bed. Sunday morning Mommy and Daddy were home and we went to church and then to that Italian place. I didn't get to see my friend Bea, though.

This past weekend we all went to my Grandpa and Grandma Bare's house. We rode out there with my Uncle Wayne, and I got to sit in the back with my Cousin Emily. It was great! I didn't mind the long drive (it takes about half the day to get there) since I got to hang out with Emily. Dad and Uncle Wayne and Uncle Paul helped Grandpa add a room onto his house. Mommy and Aunt Mary and Aunt Denise and I stayed inside since it was so HOT outside. But the hard-working men got a bunch of work done on the room. Grandpa said he'll have the roof finished this week.

Now it's back to the routine, except this morning we had to go to my school really early. I think someone it was my friend Holly's fault, but I'm not sure. And then some weird woman came into my classroom and scared the heck out of me. I found out later that she's Mommy's regional manager. Mommy says she's actually not scary, but at the time she seemed more like the regional lunatic!

Anyway I'm worn out now. Plus I've got Olympic fever. I'm heading to bed.

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