Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I have Olympic fever

Friday night Mommy went out to see my friend Shannon at the hospital. Don't worry, she's not sick -- she had a baby! I was sick Wednesday night, then on Thursday and again on Friday (I felt OK but I kept throwing up!) so I didn't go with Mommy to see little Hallie -- I wouldn't want to make her sick! (Don't worry about me, either: My Grandpa stopped at his office late Friday night just to meet Daddy and me and give me a chiropractic adjustment. After that it was like someone flipped a switch and I was 100% better!)

So anyway Dad and I were watching TV Friday night and the opening ceremony for the 29th Olympics were on. Oh man was that neat! All of those athletes from all over the world, all carrying their country's flag and smiling. It was really cool. I'm just sorry I missed the first 28 Olympics. (I wonder if Aunt Nicole has them on her TiVo....)

On Saturday we got to watch some Olympic swimming. It was really neat, and boy do those athletes swim fast. I think I'd like to swim like that someday. I bet I would be good at it. Heck you should see me now in the bathtub, and I'm only seven months old!

On Sunday morning we all went to church. This week Dad got up even earlier than Mommy and me because he was in charge of the sound board at church. Our church has three services every Sunday morning and this week he had to stay and work during all of them, even after Mommy and I left to come home. We went to lunch after he finally got home, but we didn't get to eat with Grandma and Grandpa because it was so late.

Sunday evening we got to see more swimming. The goofy announcers keep talking about some guy named Michael Phelps, but I never get to see him because he always swims after my bedtime. I hear he's not too bad, though.

This week I've been watching some swimming and some beach volleyball. Man those girls from the USA can play some volleyball! Wow!

But mostly I just think it's neat how everyone gets along so well. The athletes and even entire countries! There is a lady from Zimbabwe who is a great swimmer, and before one of her races the announcers told us what happened at the last Olympics: She won three medals, and after the Olympics ended and she went home to Zimbabwe, the had parades and celebrations for her and everyone got along, for a few days at least. How cool would that be, to bring a few days of peace to a country that is full of fighting?

I think my favorite swimmer is Dara Torres, though. I heard she won a Silver medal on Sunday, and she's as old as my Dad for crying out loud! And he's old! I figure in a couple of years he'll need a walker, and here's this lady not only swimming in the Olympics but winning medals! Wow!

Oh, baby Ray, how I miss you! I don't get to see you very often and now I don't get to find out what you are up to on your blog. Your dad must be very busy. Either that, or now that you are so big, maybe he actually SLEEPS at night now and does not blog! :-) Maybe both? I love you my darling nephew and I miss you and your blog!

Aunt Nicole
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