Wednesday, August 6, 2008


My mouth hurts

Oh man does my mouth hurt! Saturday it wasn't too bad -- Dad and I got up early and went to Grandma's house for the whole day! He was helping Papsy put some kind of wood on the floor called "Pergo." (I don't know what it means but that's a funny word -- Pergo.) Anyway we spent the whole day there, and I got to play with Grandma and my Cousin Hayley. It was great! Grandma even took the cushions from the couch and made a bed for us in the middle of the living room floor, and Hayley and I had a little siesta right there.

But Saturday night I woke up in the middle of the night with my mouth hurting so badly. Oh it was rough. Mommy calmed me down and I finally did get back to sleep, but it was not fun. Then Sunday we went to church, and then to that fish place where they have the big tank of lobsters. (Those things are creepy.)

Then Sunday evening I was in so much pain again. I had my bath which was big fun as always, but that was just a temporary distraction. By the time Dad and I got my pajamas on I was crying again. (Hey buddy, if your mouth hurt that bad you'd cry too!) Mommy rubbed that stuff on my gums to help make them numb (oh it tastes terrible) and that helped some, but they still hurt. I did finally fall asleep and I slept through the night.

Monday I went back to school and that's where it happened: My first two teeth came popping out of my gums. Everyone at my school was so excited. Well the grown-ups anyway, I don't think the other kids care one way or the other. Mommy cried a little (???) and of course had to call Daddy and tell him right away.

For those of you keeping score at home, they are on the bottom, front and center. There's one that you can see all the way across the top of the tooth, and the other just has one corner of it sticking out. Finally! Maybe now I can get a break from all of this aching in my mouth.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, but tonight Grandma was here at my house with me. I think Mommy had to work late, and Daddy had to go to some thing at the church, so I'm here hanging out with Grandma. I love it when she comes to visit. I think she likes it too, except tonight I may have thrown up on her just a little. OK it was more than a little. Both times. I couldn't help it though. I hope she'll still want to come back.... (I think she will.)

Baby Ray,

Sorry about your teeth; the good news is, corn on the cob is pretty good stuff and you can't eat it without 'em!

LOVE the picture!!

Love you,
Aunt Nicole
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