Monday, September 22, 2008



I haven't been keeping up with my blog. It started with me getting sick a few weeks ago, and man was I sick. There was some kind of nasty flu bug going around my school and it really knocked me down. I didn't feel very well for most of a week. I was starting to feel better and then... Dad got it too. He was really sick. He was so sick he missed a day of work! And he never misses work!

And then... Mommy got sick too. Now when I was sick Mommy took good care of me. Dad helped some but I don't know about you but when I'm sick I want my Mommy. Next Daddy got sick and Mommy took care of him, too. But when Mommy got sick Dad had to go out with those goofy musicians and she was home by herself. I went to Grandma's so she could just rest. (A couple of days later Grandma and Paps both got sick. Daddy took them fruit one night after work, but he didn't stay to visit!)

Finally everyone was well again and things got back to normal around our house. Then last Sunday afternoon it got really windy -- the trees were bending and cracking and leaves and branches were flying everywhere. A piece of our house even flew off! It was wild. Dad said some guy named Ike was outside but I can't imagine why.

And then our power went out. (I still don't know why.) It was kind of strange -- everything got really quiet and none of the lights worked. But it was still daylight so it wasn't any big deal. By Sunday evening it got dark -- really, really dark. Here's a picture of my bedroom Sunday night:

See what I mean? I couldn't see my hand in front of my face! I went to sleep in my crib at 10:00 PM, and around Midnight I woke up and it was pitch black and completely silent. It about scared the stuffing out of me!

Well then it got worse. Monday Mommy and I got up and went to school in the morning like we always do, but when we got home -- still no power. On Tuesday it was the same thing, except that Grandpa Bare brought us a generator! (Yea Grandpa!) He plugged in our refrigerator so all of food didn't spoil, and when Daddy got home he hooked up the TV and the lamp too. It may not sound like much but it was SO much better to have a some real light. (Mommy only has stink candles and they don't make much light.)

Wednesday morning we went to school, and Wednesday night we still didn't have any power. At least by then most of the restaurants near us had their power back on and we all got to go out to dinner. Not having electricity at our house wasn't so bad, although Mommy didn't like it at all, and I wasn't about to sleep in that pitch black bedroom by myself! (Don't tell Mommy and Daddy but I actually prefer sleeping in their bed with them anyway.)

Well Thursday came and went and we still didn't have power. And Friday. By Saturday Dad said he really thought they would get our power turned back on, but they didn't. Yesterday we got up and went to church, and we went to lunch with Grandma and Papsy. When got home... still no power. By last night it had been more than a week and our whole subdivision was still in the dark. Most of our neighbors had generators by then, and at night it sounded like a giant beehive or something outside.

Finally on our way to school this morning we saw a bunch of big trucks from the electric company all over our neighborhood. Hooray! Mommy was so excited she could hardly contain herself. Sure enough, when we got home tonight our electric was back on. After eight days we finally have cable TV again, and wireless high-speed Internet for blogging!

Life is good.

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