Saturday, October 18, 2008


I'm on the move now!

For a good month or two I've been almost crawling. Mind you I've been able to grab onto the sheets and pull myself across the bed for forever (like five months or something). And I've mastered rolling on the floor, too: This has nothing to do with laughing, and my tushy hasn't fallen off, but I can roll from the far side of the living room all the way to kitchen in the blink of an eye if I want too.

I have even been crawling on my belly ("like a Marine," Dad says) for quite awhile. But that gets so tiring! I don't like to go very far like that.

And for the past few weeks I've been getting up on my hands and knees and trying to crawl, but I move one arm or one leg (or sometimes one of each) and then *BOOM* it's down to the floor for me. At first it scared me but lately it's just been really irritating.

Well today I finally got it all figured out, and I am on the move baby! My Grandpa and Grandma Bare came to visit today, and my Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary, and my Cousin Emily too. And we were all hanging around in the living room and dining room (it's really all just one big room, I don't know why my parents call it two rooms) and I was down on the floor. I got on my hands and knees and started across the room and everything just started working! The next thing I knew I was right where I wanted to be, and all of the grownups were very excited!

Now I'm going all over the house! Well all over the second floor, anyway -- Dad put up that plastic gate at the top of the stairs a couple of weeks ago and now I can't get downstairs. (I think he did it just to tick me off!) And sometimes Mommy closes the doors to her bedroom and the hall bathroom, so I can't get in there (yet). (Pretty soon I'll be tall enough to reach the doorknobs.)

I am finding all sorts of cool stuff in the other rooms, too. There are these really cool spots on the walls that Dad calls "outlets" (as in, "Raymond Zachary, stay away from that outlet!"). They are all over the place and they are absolutely fascinating. Plus I've found doorstops and dog toys and of course Mommy's shoes and stuff like that to chew on. It is great!

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