Sunday, October 5, 2008


Nine months and counting

Today I am nine months old! Being nine months old is hard. I have a bunch of teeth coming in and they really hurt. I haven't slept through the whole night in a long time -- it seems like every night I wake up with my mouth hurting. It hurts so bad that I start crying, and then Mommy comes and gets me. She gives me a bottle, and then I get to spend the rest of the night in bed with her and Daddy.

I don't know what is up with all of these teeth anyway. I already have two and they are perfectly fine -- why the heck do I need three more? And if I have to have them, why do they all three have to come in at once?

Other than my teeth hurting I am doing just fine. I have been going to school with Mommy. My teachers are still great. I am healthy and growing. Life is good. (Except for these teeth, of course.)

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