Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Thanksgiving, Part 1

Today we had a big Thanksgiving meal for lunch at school. It was delicious -- I had turkey and stuffing and green beans and corn and sweet potatoes. Oh man it was good! And guess what: My mommy cooked all of it, for the whole school!

I had never eaten turkey before, but it was very good. I think Mommy was a little surprised that I was eating it (since I don't have very many teeth), but my teacher broke it into small pieces and I "gobbled" it up. :-)

And guess what else: My dad came and had lunch with me, at my school! I see Mommy there every day -- she's in and out of my room all the time. But Dad has never been there during the day before, so that was pretty cool. After lunch Dad and I sat in one of the big chairs for a few minutes, and I decided to take a little siesta. (Hey, turkey makes you sleepy!) When I woke up from my nap Dad was gone again, but it was nice to have lunch together.

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