Saturday, November 22, 2008


Thanksgiving, Part 2

Today Mommy, Daddy and I went to my Grandpa and Grandma's house out in the country and had another big Thanksgiving dinner! Oh man it was great!

I think it's about 900 miles from our house to Grandpa and Grandma's. We got up early in the morning and headed out, and it seemed like we drove forever (about half an hour I think) before I fell asleep in the car. Then I don't know how long we drove but when I woke up we were finally there. I played on the floor and visited with Uncle Wayne and Aunt Mary and my Cousin Emily while Mommy helped Grandma finish up our big meal.

Everything tasted great. I think I figured out how Mommy learned to be such a good cook -- my Grandma must have taught her! I had turkey and stuffing and everything again, just like at school. Except this time I think everything tasted even better, if that's possible. I really like all this Thanksgiving food!

But here's the best part: After our big meal I was sleeee-py again. (I'm telling you it's the turkey!) Well this time my Grandpa wanted to hold me, and I fell asleep on his chest for a nice long nap! I think I slept about two hours, right there on Grandpa's chest in his big easy chair. It was great!

After my nap it was time to head home. Luckily the drive home is not as long as the drive out there -- it only took about an hour and a half. I got to play a little in my living room, then I got my pajamas on, had a bottle and now I'm ready to go to sleep. What a good day!

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